This is my first impression of Tokyo Revengers, a new anime that follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki – a young man who falls into despair and depression as he learns that the only girlfriend he ever had, Hinata, has been killed by ruthless and notorious Tokyo Manji Gang.
Continue reading “My first Impressions of Tokyo Revengers”Tag: anime review
First Impressions – Those Snow White Notes
This is my first impression of “Those Snow White Notes” a fresh new anime that follows Sawamura Setsu, a shamisen player who lost his “sound” after losing his beloved grandfather. Having lost his beloved sound, Setsu finds himself in Tokyo in search of a new sound to love…
Continue reading “First Impressions – Those Snow White Notes”What did I think of Horimiya?
Here is my review on “Horimiya” a romantic comedy that follows the two main characters Hori and Miyamura as they navigate young love whilst figuring out their own personal insecurities and struggles – something that is probably quite relatable for everyone!
Continue reading “What did I think of Horimiya?”Review – Gokushufudou / The Way of the Househusband
Here is my review on “The Way of the Househusband” a Netflix adaptation that follows the day to day shenanigans of the once-legendary member of the Yakuza, turned world-class househusband Tatsu, or “Immortal Dragon” as he was known. It is described as a “cosy gangster comedy” by Netflix to which I would be inclined to agree.
Continue reading “Review – Gokushufudou / The Way of the Househusband”